Hindsight is 20-20 Dark Knight Rises Commentary
Did the Dark Knight really rise to the occasion? What makes Alfred cry? We sort through logic gaps to come up with an answer in a full length commentary. 78.8 MB
Did the Dark Knight really rise to the occasion? What makes Alfred cry? We sort through logic gaps to come up with an answer in a full length commentary. 78.8 MB
Was John McClane really on vacation that whole time? He leapt off the top of a skyscraper in part 1 to great effect. In 4 and 5, he landed in the sewer. Can we do any better? http://archive.org/download/DieHard4.5/Die%20Hard%204.5.mp3
Is there ANY way to make a 4th return to Indiana Jones work with all the same players and that much time passing? Maybe it can, only be on the lookout for Zombie Elsa! http://archive.org/download/IndianaJonesAndZeusFire/Indiana%20Jones%20and%20Zeus%27%20Fire.mp3
Quick. Go light a candle. No, it’s fine. I’ll wait…. Seriously. Stop reading this post and go light a candle (maybe one that isn’t in a jar if possible). It’ll be fine. You don’t even need to keep it with you when you come back to finish reading this. Just keep it away from the … Read more
Can we please get a petition to bring Tom Hanks back to comedy? Maybe this sequel will do it… http://archive.org/download/TheBurbsPart2/The%20Burbs%20Part%202.mp3
Our first dive into TV. Can an idea from the 80’s be better served by modern storytelling? 30.9 MB
For my first post of 2014, I’d like to take a few moments to fantasize about creating that dream library you’ve always had in the back of your mind. Despite the fact that you’re on an ebook publishing site (the foundation of which is the idea of literature as both portable and immediately accessible) I … Read more
Can Palpatine really create his masterpiece: The Dark Lords of the Sith heavy metal band? http://archive.org/download/StarWarsEpisode3/Star%20Wars%20Episode%203.mp3
Can we continue our version of the prequel saga…? http://archive.org/download/StarWarsEpisode2/Star%20Wars%20Episode%202.mp3
The Phantom Menace was a loaded bomb when it hit screens in 1999. In Hindsight, it is almost 100% awful. Can we do any better? http://archive.org/download/StarWarsEpisode1/Star%20Wars%20Episode%201.mp3